Friday, August 26, 2016

Parallels between FYC and Lab Reports?

Today in my Intermediate Composition course, I had my students get into small groups and discuss a few quotes from Anne Lamott's book, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.

I circled the room, as I normally do. As I did, I heard one girl say something that really made me pause:

I like this course. I think that with English courses, they are more open to your writing. Not like sciences or GSW (General Studies Writing, at BGSU) because with them you have to write a certain way, with this set rubric. So GSW and lab report writing, there isn't as much flexibility or options for creativity.

I had a moment.

I paused. I gaped. I considered. I sighed.

GSW--especially the curriculum that has been in play for a long time, though it is changing now--is very rigid. Truly, it doesn't leave much room for flexibility, for varying styles, for creativity.

But, to hear it grouped with lab report writing, and how rigid that had always seemed in my mind, was jarring.

Though, I guess I can see it.

What does that say that FYC students compare their allotted freedom in essay writing at my univ to be the same as the passive voice, objective, third person lab report writing?


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